Johannes Hein

Linguist | Universität Potsdam & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

University of Potsdam


Humboldt University of Berlin


LeibnizDream Project


I'm currently covering Doreen Georgi's professorship at the University of Potsdam.

Before (and after) that, I am a postdoc in the ERC-funded project LeibnizDream at the Humboldt University of Berlin where I work as a member of the Compressor group lead by Artemis Alexiadou.

I received my PhD in 2018 from the University of Leipzig.

My research interests comprise issues in syntax and morphology and their interface, as well as their acquisition. In particular, I am interested in how cross-linguistic comparison, including child languages, can instruct linguistic theorizing and lead to new generalizations or evaluate the validity of existing ones.

I have worked on a variety of topics including V(P)-movement, resumption, nominalization, negative expressions, syncretism, and ATB-movement. Please see my output section for more details.


Recent manuscripts

Category-sensitive escape from islands in Limbum and Asante Twi.
Johannes Hein. 2024.


Verb doubling and dummy verb: Gap avoidance strategies in verbal fronting.
Johannes Hein. 2020.
Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

Kein subjects are hard: Exploring German-speaking children's behavior with negative indefinites.
Negative concord without Agree: Insights from German, Dutch and English child language.
VP nominalization and the Final-over-Final Condition.
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy. 2022.
Linguistic Inquiry 53(2), 337–370.
Verb movement and the lack of verb-doubling VP-topicalization in Germanic.
Johannes Hein. 2021.
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 24(1), 89–144.
Case matching and syncretism in ATB-dependencies.
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy. 2019.
Studia Linguistica 74(2), 254–302.
Replication of R-pronouns in German dialects.
Johannes Hein & Katja Barnickel. 2018.
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 37(2), 171–204.
Doubling and do-support in verbal fronting: Towards a typology of repair operations.
Johannes Hein. 2017.
Glossa 2(1) 67.1–36.

Conference proceedings

Presupposition projection from the scope of `say'.
Aurore Gonzalez, Paloma Jeretič, Chiara Dal Farra & Johannes Hein. 2023.
Proceedings of SuB 27. pp. 253–271.
Bidirectional syncretism in Distributed Morphology: Evidence for markedness-driven feature insertion.
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy. 2023.
Proceedings of NELS 53. pp. 47–60.
Negative concord in the acquisition of English and German: Some results from a corpus study.
Johannes Hein, Cory Bill, Imke Driemel, Aurore Gonzalez, Ivona Ilić & Paloma Jeretič. 2023.
Proceedings of CLS 58. pp. 167–182.
An experimental study on kind and generic readings across languages: bare plural vs. definite plural.
Imke Driemel, Johannes Hein, Desiré Carioti, Jakob Wünsch, Vina Tsakali, Artemis Alexiadou, Uli Sauerland & Maria Teresa Guasti. 2022.
Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 353–359.
Children's Wh-questions across Languages: Some Preliminary Results.
Subject encoding in Limbum: Pronouns, resumption and focus.
Johannes Hein. 2021.
Selected papers from the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL). pp. 121–145.
Asymmetries in Asante Twi A'-movement: On the role of noun type in resumption.
Johannes Hein & Doreen Georgi. 2021.
Proceedings of NELS 51. pp. 223–236.
Word order in nominalizations: Another domain for the FOFC.
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy. 2019.
Proceedings of NELS 49. pp. 103–112.
Deriving the typology of verbal fronting.
Johannes Hein. 2018.
Proceedings of NELS 48. pp. 29–38.
English participle allomorphy as inflection classes.
Johannes Hein. 2016.
Proceedings of ConSOLE XXIII. pp. 509–529.
Does chain hybridization in Irish support movement-based approaches to long-distance dependencies?
Anke Assmann, Fabian Heck, Johannes Hein, Stefan Keine & Gereon Müller. 2010.
Proceedings of HPSG10. pp. 27–46.

Articles in books and collections

Syncretism: Recurring patterns.
Johannes Hein & Philipp Weisser. 2023.
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology.
V(P)-fronting in Asante Twi and Limbum.
Johannes Hein. 2021.
Parameters of predicate fronting: A crosslinguistic look at V(P)-initial constructions. pp. 96–130.

Working papers

Replication of R-pronouns in German dialects.
Katja Barnickel & Johannes Hein. 2016.
Replicative Processes in Grammar. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 93. pp. 189–214.
Case matching and syncretism in ATB-dependencies.
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy. 2016.
Replicative Processes in Grammar. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 93. pp. 301–350.
Verb doubling and the order of operations at PF: Insights from Asante Twi.
Johannes Hein. 2016.
Replicative Processes in Grammar. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 93. pp. 85–126.
What are replicative processes?
Johannes Hein, Andrew Murphy, Ludger Paschen & Joanna Zaleska. 2016.
Replicative Processes in Grammar. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 93. pp. v–xxvi.
Rule flipping and the feeding–bleeding relationship.
Johannes Hein, Andrew Murphy & Joanna Zaleska. 2014.
Topics at InfL. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 92. pp. 1–31.
Verbflexion im Warembori: Eine Analyse im Rahmen der Distribuierten Morphologie.
Johannes Hein. 2008.
Varieties of Competition. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte (LAB) vol 87. pp. 49–63


Scrambling in Dutch and German.
Johannes Hein.
Ms., University College London. 2011.





The third person is present: An argument from determiners in generic statements
Artemis Alexiadou, Johannes Hein, Ivona Ilić & Uli Sauerland.
Workshop on Issues in the Syntax, University of Bucharest, 8–9 December 2023
Errors of redundancy in child English and beyond
Johannes Hein, Imke Driemel, Fabienne Martin, Yining Nie & Artemis Alexiadou.
GLOW 46, University of Graz & University of Vienna, 11–15 April 2023
Directional syncretism without directional rules
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy.
NELS 53, University of Göttingen, 12–14 January 2023


Redundant errors in child language [invited]
Johannes Hein, Imke Driemel, Yining Nie, Fabienne Martin & Artemis Alexiadou.
IGRA colloquium, University of Leipzig, 13 July 2022


Asymmetries in Asante Twi object extraction
Johannes Hein & Doreen Georgi.
SAIAL 2021, Potsdam, virtual conference, 15–16 April 2021


Asymmetries in Asante Twi A'-movement: On the role of noun type in resumption
Johannes Hein & Doreen Georgi.
• University of Delaware, 3 December 2020 [invited talk]
• NELS 51, Montreal, virtual conference, 6–8 November 2020
Island constraints are category-sensitive: The case of Asante Twi and Limbum [invited]
Johannes Hein.
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 17 November 2020
Selective island-sensitivity in Asante Twi and Limbum [invited]
Johannes Hein.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 18 September 2020
VP-nominalization and the Final-over-Final Condition [invited]
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy.
Humboldt-University Berlin, 13 July 2020
Gerundive nominalization is (still) syntactic
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy.
GLOW 43 -- Workshop III: Remarks: the Legacy, virtual conference, 8–20 April 2020


Subject asymmetries in Limbum
Johannes Hein.
• GGS, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 19–21 July 2019
• ACAL 50, UBC Vancouver, 23–25 May 2019


VP Nominalization and the Final-over-Final Condition
Johannes Hein & Andrew Murphy.
• NELS 49, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 5–7 October 2018
• CamCoS 7, Cambridge UK, 10–12 May 2018


Deriving the typology of predicate fronting
Johannes Hein.
NELS 48, Reykjavik, 27–29 October 2017


Replication of R-pronouns in German dialects
Katja Barnickel & Johannes Hein.
• CGSW 31, Stellenbosch, 1–3 December 2016
• SaRDiS 2016, Saarbrücken, 3–5 November 2016


Verb doubling and the order of operations at PF: The case of Asante Twi
Johannes Hein.
• 2nd UCL Graduate Conference in Linguistics, UCL, 12–13 November 2015
• Workshop on Replicative Processes in Grammar, U Leipzig, 1–2 October 2015
English participle allomorphy as inflection classes
Johannes Hein.
ConSOLE XXIII, Paris Diderot, 7–9 January 2015


Vowel Harmony in Phuthi: A Challenge for Nevins (2010)?
Johannes Hein.
Phonology Reading Group, U Leipzig, 11 June 2014


Does chain hybridization in Irish support movement-based approaches to long-distance dependencies?
Anke Assmann, Fabian Heck, Johannes Hein, Stefan Keine & Gereon Müller.
• HPSG10, Paris Diderot, 9 July 2010
• Workshop on Morphological Reflexes of Long-Distance Dependencies, U Leipzig, 23 November 2009
On the Structure of Morphological Systems
Johannes Hein & Stefan Keine.
• Workshop on Theoretical Morphology 5 (WOTM 5), Wittenberg, 25 June 2010
• 14th International Morphology Meeting (IMM 14), Budapest, 16 May 2010


On the Structure of Marker Inventories
Johannes Hein & Stefan Keine.
Workshop on Polyfunctionality and Underspecification, Wittenberg, 31 August 2009
Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Paradigm Economy in Lesser Studied Languages
Johannes Hein & Gereon Müller.
Conference "Morphology of the World's Languages", U Leipzig, 12 June 2009


under construction

Curriculum Vitæ

You can download my CV here: (June 2024)