Linguist Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
I am a postdoc in the ERC-funded project LeibnizDream at the Humboldt University of Berlin where I work as a member of the Compressor group lead by Artemis Alexiadou.
I received my PhD in 2018 from the University of Leipzig and also hold a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the same University.
My research interests comprise issues in syntax and morphology and their interface. In particular, I am interested in how cross-linguistic comparison, including child languages, can instruct linguistic theorizing and lead to new generalizations or evaluate the validity of existing ones.
Presently, I am investigating negative indefinites, past tense formation and long-distance wh-questions in child languages as well as patterns of (bi)directional syncretism and island constraints.
I have worked on a variety of topics including V(P)-movement, resumption, nominalization, negative expressions, syncretism, and ATB-movement. Please see my output section for more details.